Are you experiencing beard itch? Don’t worry, it is very common for your beard to feel itchy whether it is your first time growing a beard or not. The itching can be anywhere from mild, to you barely noticing it. However, if it is beginning to affect your daily life it is time to consider having your skin checked by a doctor.
Beard itch can occur because of different reasons, keep reading for more about proper beard care and how to deal and/or avoid your beard to itch.
What can cause beard itch?
1. Beard growth
The most probable reason is that you are dealing with one of the consequences of beard growth. After you shave, you leave a sharp edge on the end of each hair inside its follicle and when the hair grows back out, the sharp edge can scratch the follicle. This causes your face to itch and if you are growing your beard, your entire face can itch at the same time.
2. Having dry skin
Another likely reason that your beard is itching is that you have dry skin. This can be caused by cold or dry weather or by taking showers with hot water. To avoid this, you need to incorporate into your routine beard care products, such as beard shampoo or soap which don’t wash off your natural oils and therefore keeps your facial hair moisturized.
In addition, certain skin conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema can make your skin chronically dry, which leads to itching. In this case, you will need to see a dermatologist.
3. Having ingrown hairs
When you shave, sometimes ingrown hairs can happen. Instead of the hair growing back into its follicle, this gets inflamed and makes your beard itch. If you have curly hair it is even more probable for this to occur.
4. You have folliculitis
It might be the case of you having folliculitis in your beard area. This happens when the hair follicles get inflamed and the cases may be a bacterial infection, a virus, fungi, hair follicle clogging, or even parasites.
In this case, the hair follicles can look red, feel tender and also painful to the touch. In some situations, they can become blisters that leak pus.
5. Pseudofolliculitis barbae
After you shave, sometimes the hair grows back out from their follicle and cuts your skin inside the follicle or curve back around into the skin. If this happens to you, your face can look red (beard rash), bumpy and you can also develop blisters filled with pus.
6. Seborrheic eczema
This is a skin condition that will make your skin scaly, red and flaky, which is why it is also known as beard dandruff. If you have this, flakes can even fall off when you rub your beard hair or facial skin.
7. Tinea barbae
This is a fungal infection that occurs in the facial hair region. The type of fungus that causes it is called dermatophyte fungus and it will appear as red, inflamed and crusty around the mouth, cheeks and under your chin.
How to grow a healthy beard and avoid itching
So, we just gave you seven causes of beard itching and if you want to grow a healthy beard and choose from different beard styles, you need to follow several easy (but very needed) steps that will not only avoid unnecessary beard itch or rash, but will help with the growth of facial hair.
1. Keep your beard clean
Beards can attract dirt and dust, and depending on your daily job, it can get very dirty, even from sweat if you constantly exercise. This is why you need to wash your beard frequently, depending on your skin and hair type (read more here).
2. Don’t overdo the beard washing
As we just mentioned, cleaning your beard is very important, but overdoing it will also harm your beard and will give you a beard itch. Why? Because you will be stripping your face’s natural oils and drying your skin too much.
"Beard PANS recommends"
3. Double rinse to remove shampoo and/or soap
Another easy way to avoid beard itch is by double rinsing it when it’s time to wash it. This way you ensure that you are not leaving any shampoo, soap or conditioner in.
4. Dry your facial hair
After washing your beard, another important step in beard care is drying it properly. If you leave water in it, you can get dry skin. So, pat your beard with a dry towel to absorb excess water or you can also use a hairdryer with mild heat.
5. Use beard oil
Among some of the beard care products you need to use for a healthy beard is beard oil. It helps create a barrier over the skin, locks moisture out and protects the skin from drying and flaking out. It is a very useful product against beard itch.
6. Comb and trim your beard regularly
Finally, don’t forget to trim your beard and comb it regularly so that you keep any sharp ends under control and away from your skin, which can cause it to itch.
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