We LOOOOVE beards, but what we do not love is beard rash, beard itch, or anything unpleasant that sometimes comes along having facial hair. This is why we found it very, very important to write about this topic so that if this is something you have been dealing with, you can solve and prevent it as soon as possible.
First of all, what causes beard rash? This annoying situation is often caused by a combination of dry skin and poor shaving technique. However, some forms of beard rash are caused by a bacterial or fungal infection (read more about beard itch over here). Therefore, beard care and beard care products can make a very important difference on whether you develop a beard rash or not.
How to deal with beard rash
Good hygiene and avoiding the use of old razors will help you prevent beard rash. By the way, do you have the five essential beard care products every man with a beard should have? If you don’t, you need to get them ASAP. Nonetheless, here are some suggestions on how to deal with beard rash if it’s already there:
1. Stop shaving for a while
If you have begun to see signs of beard rash, stop shaving or switch to an electric stubble trimmer instead, which is gentler on the skin. After the rash has cleared up, consider applying tree oil or aftershave products that can help treat the surface of the skin. A great tip if you are going to shave is to do it right after you shower so that the skin is moist and less susceptible to irritation.
2. Keep your skin moist
Many people make the mistake of shaving when their face is dry. If you already have a rash, then small white pustules can begin to form on it.
One way to deal with this at home is by applying a clean cloth soaked in warm saltwater and applying it to your face for fifteen minutes every day. Remember, as we just said above, to shave while your skin is still moist.
3. Clean your face every day
One thing is washing your beard and another maintaining hygiene on your face. The beard-washing frequency will depend on your skin and hair type, and we recommend you read more about it here. However, the parts of your face with no beard should be cleaned every day. Sweat, dirt and bacteria may accumulate there and increase the chances of you developing a rash.
If the rash is there, use a mild antibacterial soap to help the skin heal and to prevent the condition from recurring. Don’t rub your face, it could hurt really bad, just wash it gently and then pat it dry.
4. Apply ointment for healing
Hydrocortisone ointment applied to the beard rash will help bring the inflammation down. You can apply it up to four times a day. You can also try lotions based on aloe ingredients to promote healing of the area.
5. Perhaps it’s time to see a dermatologist
In case your rash does not improve with any of these suggestions, perhaps it’s time to see a dermatologist that will examine your skin closely and make a diagnosis and perhaps give you a prescription.
Extra tips for itchy beards
If instead of having a beard rash you are experiencing beard itch, here are four extra tips we have gathered just for you:
1. Condition your beard
A soft beard that is constantly conditioned with special products, such as oils and balms helps prevent irritation of the skin that can lead to itchiness and rashes.
Check our selection of beard oils and beard balms here.
It does not matter if your beard is long or short, what really matters is proper beard care. Not only will you avoid problems of this sort, but also you will rock cool beard styles with your healthy facial hair.
By the way, take a look at this post we wrote about which glasses go with what beard styles.
2. Avoid the use of chemicals
If your beard is itchy or if you are starting to get a rash, don’t use foams, washes, soaps, or lotions that contain harsh chemicals. Go for a more natural alternative instead.
3. Allow your hair to grow for a few weeks
Sometimes the itch just goes away by allowing your hair to grow beyond the follicle. As simple as that. Men who are investigating on how to grow a healthy beard should know that the itching usually stops after a month or so.
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