If you are on Tinder, then this interests you. Did you know that a study done by the University of Queensland (Australia) determined that “masculine” features, such as beards, are more attractive to women? In other words, if you are thinking about growing a beard, go for it, but don’t leave aside the importance of beard care.
This study consisted of interviews done to 919 women where they were asked to rate a series of male faces regarding if they found them suitable as a partner for a long-term or a short-term relationship.
“In general, ‘masculine’ features – including facial hair, a strong jawline, deeply set eyes and a thicker brow – were rated as more attractive”, as you can read in Men’s Health where they wrote about the study.
As we have told you before on our blog, women seem to relate men with beards to dominance and the ability to pass on their genes to the next generation (reproduction-wise). Therefore, according to the said study, it appears that women who want kids could be making an unconscious correlation between fertility and men with beards.
However, this is not a rule. What one woman finds attractive could be unattractive to another one. But if you are wondering how to grow a healthy beard and if you should do it or not, our answer is “yes!”
Women on Tinder find men with beards more attractive
Another not-so-scientific study that you can find in the Cheez Burger website (and we are sure you will enjoy reading) showed that men with beards are found more attractive, and therefore receive more swipe rights on Tinder.
This was an A/B Test done by a Tinder user in which he took several pictures of himself with a beard and then replaced the same pictures of him without a beard to figure out how many women preferred him with facial hair and how many without facial hair.
Among his findings, he was able to see that 68.1% of women found him more attractive with a beard, against 31.9% which gave him more right swipes with a clean look. Of course, we understand that this is just a fun test one Tinder user did on his own for his personal benefit (even though it is well-documented), but as we said above, in general, it has been determined that women find men with beards more attractive than those who have a clean-shave look.
What women don’t like about bearded men
The study that Queensland University published also said that certain women who have a strong aversion to lice and fleas also find beards unattractive. Therefore, it is only understandable (and obvious) that it is not pleasant to be around a man who has this problem.
However, if you are experiencing beard itch, it does not mean that you have bugs living in your facial hair necessarily, you could be just experiencing dry skin, beard dandruff, or the normal itch that comes along letting your beard grow. In that case, check out some of these great products for treating beard itching.
In addition, women don’t like - in general - men that have a messy beard. Yes, among the many beard styles that there are, there is the biker look where the beard grows however it wants and reaches your chest, but generally speaking, these days women prefer a well-groomed look.
Also, the well-groomed look has to do with kissing too. Yes, women have confessed that they don’t like to kiss men with beards because hair gets in the way. “It just feels weird”, they say, and we can understand that, right? So, if it is important for you to make your girl happy and at the same time have a kick-ass beard, you need to keep things in place, meaning that you need to have your mustache, at least, trimmed.
If you are not sure how to start growing a beard or if you have had trouble doing so effectively before (or don’t have much facial hair), you need to read about these five tips ASAP! There are many beard care products and actions that you can incorporate into your daily routine to help you achieve the look you have always wanted or that you are interested in having right now.
"Beard PANS Starter Kits"
It is not only us telling you, but it is also a trend today to have a beard. Men have found in facial hair a look that makes them feel more masculine. They have seen how they have more self-esteem and confidence in their lives and also when approaching someone from the opposite sex. Perhaps men who use Tinder are discovering this as well (like the guy whose story and study we mentioned above) and we will be seeing more and more beards on this and other dating apps.
But in the end, it doesn’t matter what other people think or what is going on in Tinder, the important thing is for you to feel comfortable with yourself and with who you are as a person and if beards are your thing, go for it!
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