About Us
“Enough is enough!” is what Anton (Beard PANS founder and kick-ass beard grower) said after the umpteenth time he had to change and research for a new beard care product.
That’s why at Beard PANS we decided to put together the best tips and the best products to achieve a healthy beard, struggle free and in no time.
We know how to identify the key products and the steps to take, and we want to share it with you.
But instead of just telling you things like “Must have products!” or “This oil will help you do this” or “Massage your beard with this soap because that”, we want to tell you why and be with you all the way so you can choose the best products and practices that suit your soon to be kick-ass beard.
This process has helped us achieve the beard we didn’t know we could have, and boy we love them now!

Check Anton's story:
Anton loves his beard and taking care of it with the best products he can find. He also didn’t believe having a beard was for him because he always struggled with itchiness and beardruff (beard dandruff) every time he spent 4 days without shaving or trimming his beard.
It took 3 weeks of being too busy and lazy enough to not shave, plus his hair was a mess and an appointment with the closest barbershop was due.
That’s when a cheeky barber with a passion for his craft suggested to add some beard beautification to the haircut he was getting.
“Bro! That’s easy to fix, you just need the right products and some advice.” the barber said without stepping away from his witty banter attitude.
A couple of samples of products and a few days later Anton was confidently growing his beard with no trace of these struggles (and excuses) he mentioned before. We are proud to say that his beard is still growing strong to this day.
Compliments from most of his friends and people around him started coming, and a lot of people asked him how it was possible to grow a healthy beard, since everyone was going through the same struggles when they spent a few days of growth.
It felt like a broken record, everyone was having similar problems when not shaving or growing a beard and advising to get products from 3 or 4 different places was not going to solve it.
Then comes Beard PANS. After months of trials and tests, we gathered the best products and accessories, combined with all the information we have and researched. All in one place, so if you want to start growing a healthy beard you can start today and have fast results.
But, “What the hell is PANS?” you might ask.
It’s an acronym for Pretty Awesome New S*** (Stuff)
PRETTY beard
AWESOME products
NEW arrivals
STUFF we love

Imagine the kick ass beard you want to have, we’ll take care of the rest.